The Cafe's Unofficial Mascot

Art by AurumOrre
Pronouns Age Species
he/it/any adult Mewtwo
Debuts in PMD Sky
Orientation Pansexual
Ability Pressure
Birthplace Decrepit Lab
Role Waiter
Affiliation Spinda's Cafe
Treasure Town
Held Item Gold Gummi

Pluto is a Mewtwo of mysterious origin that resides in Treasure Town. He's taken up a job at Spinda's Cafe as a waiter, which seems to have drawn the attention of many customers due to the rather odd nature of a legendary Pokemon working a 9 to 5.

1. Appearance
2. Story
3. Personality
4. Moves Used
5. Relationships
6. Trivia


It's hard to tell whether Pluto is shiny or not, as he seems to be a combination of both colorations. His eyes are bright green and curious with a purple ring around his irises, and his green tail fades into purple near the tip. He's usually seen wearing his cafe uniform but doesn't really wear any other sorts of accessories during his free time. Pluto is around the same height as an average Mewtwo.


Unlike Callisto, who was engineered to be a living weapon with an unquenchable bloodlust, Pluto was a more experimental project that sought out the creation of an artificial Pokemon that shared Mewtwo's strength and intelligence without sacrificing a want for companionship. Lack of sufficient funds and resources to continue the development of both projects at once resulted in Pluto's infant form being placed into cryostasis for an indefinite amount of time while scientists focused their efforts on the development of Callisto, the original project.

The continuation of the second Mewtwo project never ended up falling through, as the lab was destroyed and left in ruins. It wouldn't be until many years later before Pluto would ever open its eyes for the first time thanks to Callisto freeing him from cryostasis after being unable to ignore the psychic connection she felt with the unawakened clone.

Although Callisto temporarily took Pluto under her wing to ensure his safety, it became clear that her ability to assist him with reaching his full potential in terms of strength was not accompanied by the compassion required in order to ensure that Pluto's needs would be met. Furthermore, she feared the treatment he'd face because of the actions of his predecessor, which would only worsen if others were to witness him being raised by said predecessor.

This concern led Callisto to make the difficult decision of relinquishing her short-lived role as his protector over to a renowned rescue team from the Water Continent, as they would not only be able to provide him with a relatively normal life, but also be able to handle Pluto's developing psychic abilities as he grew older.

Callisto shared very little of Pluto's origins with said rescue team before she sealed herself away in the Western Cave, resulting in much of Pluto's early childhood being composed of little bits and pieces with little bringing them together. He's unsure why, but one memory that never left Pluto's mind even as he made the transition into adulthood was Callisto's appearance and the sorrowful look in her eye that went against everything he'd ever been told about her by those around him.

Pluto lives a fairly normal life as an adult, albeit a rather lonely one at times due to the impression Callisto left on the world long before Pluto was even born. Upon moving to Treasure Town, he picked up a job at Spinda's Cafe, where he more or less found a second family alongside Team Frontier and his other friends helping run the shop.


Despite being a hyper-intelligent and extroverted lifeform, Pluto is a bit naive. It's cheerful and innocent, not really able to see through others lies and for the most part views everyone as someone who can be trusted, even if they might not have the best intentions.

Because of the impression Callisto left of the Mewtwo species, Pokemon are often frightened by Pluto and may choose to avoid him in fear of causing a violent accident. More often than not, he feels lonely, made even worse by the fact that he was essentially created to be hypersocial.

Likes cooking, heights, and other Pokemon.

Moves Used

Explorers of Time, Darkness and Sky

Pluto Lv.50+
Psychic Attract
Psychic Normal
Life Dew Hyper Beam
Water Normal


CALLISTO - Sibling

Longs for the chance to properly meet Callisto but has given up hope on such a wish for the most part.

BREEZE - Friend / ???

Really hopes Breeze can't hear the way he's thinking about him. Will probably make their status as roommates a little awkward...


- Although consistent dungeon runs aren't something Pluto is cut out for, he will sometimes accompany Team Frontier when extra support is required.

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